You can easily pause your video watch history on YouTube app and browser from settings.
In this post, you will get details about these settings and steps to use these settings on the YouTube app and YouTube browser web page.
Let’s get started,
Table of Contents
How to pause video watch history on YouTube app?
In the YouTube app, You can pause or resume YouTube video watch history from “Settings / History and Privacy / Pause watch history”.
When you enable “Pause watch history”, then the app will ask for confirmation of your action with detail. Next, tap on “Pause” text to pause your watch history YouTube.
How to pause video watch history on PC or laptop (YouTube web page)?
For PC or laptop browsers, you will get a YouTube pause watch history setting option under “History” menu settings.
You can open the “History” setting by clicking the “History” option from the left sidebar vertical menu.
To pause YouTube watch history from PC or laptop browser, first open YouTube history page and login with Google account, Next click “PAUSE WATCH HISTORY” option from right sidebar.
Now, read pause watch history detail in popup and click “PAUSE” option to pause watch history.
Related support page:
FAQs for pause video watch history on YouTube
Why do you need to pause YouTube watch history?
YouTube watch history helpful to find watched videos and get related videos recommendations.
But, in some cases you may need to pause this feature.
For example, you are doing research on a topic for a limited time and do not want related recommendations in future, you do not want to store some private watch activity, or some other privacy related reasons.
What happens if I pause video watch history on YouTube?
When you pause video watch history, then after that what you watch on YouTube will not be saved in your watch history.
Is “Pause watch history” setting delete my previous history?
No, the pause watch history setting will not delete any previous history. It just stops saving future watch activity in watch history.
At Last,
Hope you found this pause watch history on YouTube guide helpful.