How to check site wise earnings in AdSense reports?

If you are new to Google AdSense and want to know your multiple site’s earning report separately, then check out steps given in this post.

There are many reasons to check site wise earning reports in AdSense.

For example, to analyse each sites earning performance, you are using friend’s AdSense and want to know your site’s earning, etc.,

Following are steps to know your each AdSense approved site’s earning separately.

  1. Open Google AdSense dashboard page.
  2. Click “Reports” from the left vertical menu.
  3. From different reports list click “Sites” option.
  4. Check your all and each site’s earning report.

In the “Sites” report, you will get details of all sites earning, each site earnings and average earning.

For more earning analysis, you can filter earning info in different periods (Today, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last month and Custom).