Share YouTube Link on WhatsApp with Thumbnail Preview

WhatsApp chat supports YouTube video link preview. It means, when you share a video link on WhatApp chat, WhatsApp shows a video preview thumbnail image, title and description in chat.


If the WhatsApp app is not showing video preview, then here in this post we listed possible solutions to fix this issue. Solutions are simple and do not required any technical process.

In this post you will find 4 solutions, which you need to try one by one. And, in between, if any solution works for you, then you can skip remaining solutions.

Let’s try solutions one by one,

Wait for preview process and send message

This solution works for most cases. Sometimes with poor internet connection and quick message sending action, YouTube video link previews are not displayed in chat.

In this solution, first stop other apps or processes which are using high internet data. After that, paste the video link in WhatApp chat and add space after the link URL. Now, wait for a few seconds, so WhatsApp fetch video preview and display in chat. Once preview shown, send a video link message.

Video share URLs from YouTube start like following…, Here, if you are sharing this URL and not showing preview, then you can try the following method, where minor URL change is required.

In this solution, paste URL in WhatsApp chat and change URL from to

Share YouTube video from first second time

This is also a simple solution, you can try to share a YouTube video link with time parameter. YouTube allows you to share video with selected video time. Here, in this method we use this feature.

In this solution, you need to add a time parameter at the end of the YouTube video link. After adding this parameter, your link will look like this ( Here, “?t=1” means, video playing starts with the first second.

Update WhatsApp app

Update WhatsApp is the last solution, you can try. YouTube video link preview not work possibly because of the old version of WhatsApp app (which does not support this preview feature).

So, in this solution, you need to check for your WhatsApp app update. And, if an update is available, then update the app and try again to share the video link.

That’s it,

These are simple possible solutions to share YouTube video on WhatsApp with thumbnail preview. You will find a working solution for your case from the above list.