WordPress Site Estimated Cost for 1 Year

WordPress site estimated cost for 1 Year: Cost calculation based on hosting, domain, SSL, design and plugins for basic and advanced WordPress blog.

Cost calculation table prepared based on main required things for WordPress blog or site.

This cost covers initial level things (Hosting, Domain, SSL) to blog/site setup level things (Theme, Plugin, Logo).

If you are a blogger or running business and planning to create your new WordPress blog or site, then this given cost calculation table gives an overview for minimum cost.

WordPress site or blog’s cost table

Following table shows the cost for basic level site and advanced level WordPress site’s cost.

Blog/Site requirementsCost
SSL (lifetime $13)$1
Free theme$0
Free plugins$0
Free logo maker$0
Basic total$41
Premium theme ($20-50)$35
Premium plugins
(Depends on requirements)
Premium logo maker$20
Advanced Total$226+
WordPress site estimated cost table for 1 year

Overview and tip for WordPress site or blog cost

Basic WordPress site: $40 to $50 will be possible cost for basic WordPress site, where you pay only for hosting and domain.

For basic blog/site a premium WordPress theme and plugins not included. You can use the free available theme, plugins, logo service and SSL for the initial stage.

Advanced WordPress site: $226+ to $300+ will be possible cost for advanced WordPress site. For advanced level blog/site, a premium theme and plugins can be used.

Here, premium Logo design, SEO plugin, Cache plugin and Form related plugin considered in calculation. If you use more plugins based on requirements, then cost will increase.

Note: Given WordPress site or blog cost table represents 1 year minimum estimated cost. This cost goes up or down based on your hosting, domain, theme, plugin and other service or things selection. If you go with popular service providers and products, then cost will be definitely high.

Tip: If you are a new blogger or creating your first site, then for the initial stage go with a basic setup, use free things and move to an advanced level after more experience and based on requirements.