Quick FAQs for YouTube viewed video history

This page contains detailed information in question answer format for YouTube watched or viewed video history. Detailed FAQs for YouTube viewed video.

You will get exact and to the point answer for YouTube video history related question.

Where i find my watched video history in YouTube app?

#1 Open YouTube app in Mobile. #2 Tap on “Library” option from bottom tab menu. #3 Now, You will find “History” option under “Recent” section. #4 Tap on “History” option, it will open watched video history in YouTube app. Now you can search video from YouTube viewed video list.

How to find recently watched videos on YouTube app?

#1 Open YouTube app in mobile. #2 Tap on “Library” option from bottom tab menu. #3 Now, You will find all recently viewed videos in “Recent” section.

How to find “Watch later” videos on YouTube app?

#1 Open YouTube app in Mobile. #2 Tap on “Library” option from bottom tab menu. #3 Now, You will find “Watch later” option with video count. #4 Tap on “Watch later” option, it will open all videos which had been set as “watch later” choice. You can also watch and remove videos from this list.