How to Clear YouTube Watch Later List? (Single or Bulk Delete)

This post includes a quick answer about the question – How to clear Watch later video list on YouTube.


You can clear or delete videos from YouTube Watch later list in two ways. First single video or bulk watched videos.

Remove single video from YouTube Watch later list:

To remove single or more videos from YouTube Watch Later list, first open Watch later list from “Library > Watch later”.

In the Watch later list you will find three vertical dots icon on the top right corner of each video entry in the list.

Next, tap that video three dot icon and select “Remove from Watch later” option to delete video from list.

Remove multiple videos from YouTube Watch later list:

To remove multiple videos from YouTube Watch Later list, first open Watch later list from “Library > Watch later”.

In the Watch later list you will find three vertical dots icon on the top right corner of header title.

Next, tap that three dot icon and select the “Remove watched videos” option to delete all watched videos from the list. This option removes all watched videos from your Watch later list.