How to find app country of origin [Play Store or App Store]

How to find app country of origin [Play Store or App Store] : ways to find app country of origin name for installed app or any other Android and iOS app.

If you want to check app owner (app developer) country name for your mobile installed apps, or for new app, then ways given in this page, to find app country of origin, will found helpful to you.

Normally App Store and Play Store app page have Information and Developer section for app owner detail. But, in some cases app country name shown in these sections may not real country of origin, because such information given by app owner. So, here possible case is that, owner give their different location detail.

Now, question is how to find app country of origin? Answer of question and ways to find app country name are following.

Play Store Developer and App Store Information section

Play Store Developer section in app page shows app owners website, contact email, privacy policy page link and address information. For Play Store app, you can check available information in this section.

App and owner detail in App Store shows under app page Information section. You can check app owner name, website link etc., detail from this section.

To find country of origin, check detail in developer information section, visit owner website or you can contact owner via email to get app country detail.


If you try to find app country detail for popular apps and not able to get accurate detail, try Wikipedia. Search app name, if app is popular, you will get all possible information in Wikipedia app information page.

This option is possible for popular apps only. Normal or globally unknown apps detail page not exist on Wikipedia, So, for such type of apps this option not work.

Google search is best option to get information online for mostly anything. To find any app country you can use any Google search tool. Let’s check steps with browser.

Open browser and search, for example “tiktok app country of origin” and press enter. Google will list useful results for app. You need to check best related results to get searched app country name. In example, tiktok is given as example app name, you can change app name with your app name.

Given are some possible ways to find app owner or developer country name. If you have other useful and simple ways, you can suggest it in comment section, your suggestion will definitely found helpful to other visitors.