YouTube Connected apps guide and FAQs

YouTube Connected apps guide: get connected apps setting info (overview, connect and disconnect options, benefits, FAQs detail answer) on YouTube settings.

What information will you get from this post?

From this post, you will get an overview for YouTube connected apps, process to manage connected apps, benefits of YouTube connect and answers for related frequently asked questions.

If you are already using YouTube connect, or Google account connect feature, or you have questions about this feature, then this post will help you to get the best solution about the connected apps setting.

Let’s check out all the YouTube Connected apps guide section wise.

What is YouTube Connected apps setting?

YouTube “Connected apps” setting is to manage YouTube account connected apps. This setting shows the already connected and suggested apps list. You can connect your YouTube account with other apps or you can disconnect already connected apps from this setting page and Google account linking page.

You can allow some action between YouTube and other apps. For example, connect a YouTube account with Slack to send new videos on Slack channel.

So, Connected apps setting page is used to manage your YouTube account connection with other apps.

How do I connect or disconnect apps with a YouTube account?

There are many ways to connect or disconnect apps with a YouTube account. From all ways to connect, following are three ways to manage YouTube account connection with other apps.

YouTube Connected apps setting: YouTube shows YouTube connected apps list in this page. You can disconnect other apps from this list or from Google account setting account linking page. This connected apps page also shows some suggested games and apps to connect; you can connect or ignore them based on your requirement.

From apps: If you are using some app that has YouTube account connect feature, then you can use it for app YouTube app connect.

App automation service sites: There are many online app automation service sites. This sites provide services to connect your YouTube account with other apps. For example, which helps to connect apps for automated workflows.

What is the purpose and benefits of YouTube connect?

The main benefit and purpose of YouTube connect is to make automation for basic processes. For example, connect Facebook and YouTube app to create automatic page posts in Facebook page, when new video uploaded on channel.

You can connect a YouTube account with Google Drive, WordPress, Twitter, Facebook, Dropbox, Slack, SMS and more apps for different purposes.

You can also find the app connect option in YouTube Connected apps page. From suggested list, you can connect accounts and watch approved events and videos for a chance to win in-game rewards.

Why is YouTube showing games and apps in connected apps list which I never used?

YouTube shows connected apps and some suggested apps in YouTube Connected apps setting page.

So, if you think that YouTube shows games and apps in the connected apps list, even if you never connected with those apps, then don’t worry – it just suggested apps for you. This type of suggested apps shows a “Connect” button. It means, you can connect if you wish and ignore otherwise.