Blogger Free and Custom Domain – Difference and Overview

In this post, you will learn about differences and helpful things about Blogger free and custom domain features.

Let’s get started,

By default, every Blogger blog gets a free “” subdomain.

Now, if you do not want to use Blogger free subdomain URL, then you can purchase your own custom domain name and redirect things to your custom domain (It’s Blogger custom domain setup process).

You can buy a custom domain from Google Domains or from other service providers and set up with Blogger.

Here, in both free domain and custom domain cases, you do not need to pay for hosting. Because Google Blogger provides free hosting in both cases.

Next, in future, if you stop using a custom domain for your blog, then you can move back to the original free “” subdomain at any time (fallback to subdomain).

That’s it,

Hope, this answer clears your confusion about Blogger free and custom domain.