How to Check: Who Viewed Your Instagram Story – Your Story Views

This guide shows how to see who viewed your Instagram story and how many views your IG story has. You can see the usernames of the viewers for each photo or video.

How to see who viewed your Instagram story?

To see who has seen your Instagram story, or to see who has seen each photo or video in your story,

  1. Open your Instagram story.
  2. Swipe up on the screen.
  3. See all story viewers and total views.
  4. Tap on each story photo or video for viewers detail.

To see who saw your Instagram story on Facebook, scroll down your story and look under “Facebook viewers“. This section will be available, If you share your story to Facebook.

Please note that only the story creator can view the list of viewers for their story.

How to see Instagram Archive stories viewers and views?

As an Instagram user, you can see who viewed your story for 48 hours after you post it.

The story will be active for the first 24 hours, during which time the viewer list can be seen from the story itself.

After 24 hours, the story will become inactive and be moved to your Archive list. The viewer list can still be viewed from the Archive for an additional 24 hours.

To see your archive story views and viewers info, 

  1. Go to profile – Tap your profile picture in the bottom right corner.
  2. Tap the three line menu icon in the top right corner.
  3. Tap “Archive”.
  4. Open the story and swipe up.

That’s all about how to check Instagram story views and viewers info. And, at last answer for one more related question.

Why do Instagram stories show higher views than viewers?

The total number of IG story views includes all replays of your story.

Therefore, if the same user views your story multiple times, you may see a higher number of views than viewer usernames.

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